Build Your Home

Get the keys
Building a house does not have to be complicated. This is why we have come up with a comfortable get the keys solution for our customers. The only thing we need from you is a description of your dream home and preferences in terms of finishing materials. We will take care of all the other aspects and construction. Read on to see what the package includes.
Choose your dream home
Building a home is definitely not a decision made lightly. So why should you accept less than perfection? When it comes to CLT, you won’t have to. If you can’t find a solution that works for you from our existing projects then take a closer look at our design corner where we have gathered various architectural masterpieces from all corners of the world. Pick out the right one for you and we will help you build it.

CLT qualities
When building houses, we use innovative cross-laminated timber – or CLT. Thanks to this, your new home will be allergy-free and can easily maintain a comfortable indoor climate, good sound insulation as well as great fire resistance. Read more about why architects, engineers, and builders prefer this material.


Not having much knowledge in the area of construction, all I had when contacting CLT Buildings was a photo of my dream home I found on the internet. Luckily, they helped me with every step, from planning to construction. It wasn’t until later that I learned how difficult building a house and everything relating to it actually is. Thanks to CLT Buildings, my biggest concern was choosing the right colours. In addition, they remained on schedule in terms of time and budget. I can say with confidence that I am very satisfied with their work!

For me, CLT Buildings has become a company I trust with building my home as well as a business centre. Having been exposed to various construction companies in the past, I was positively surprised by the thought-process and transparency of CLT Buildings. During the construction of the Motohobi building I received suggestions and observations from them at each stage, thanks to which I was able to figure out the solution that worked best for me. And the best part about it all - the price remained what we first agreed upon.
Motohobi ärihoone ehitamisel sain neilt igal eehitusetapil soovitusi ning tähelepanekuid, tänu millele hoidsime kokku nii aega kui raha. Meie maja puhul on tegemist väga energiasäästliku hoonega, kus on täna väga mugav töötada ning see on just suuresti sündinud tänu CLT meeskonnale.

Olles täiesti ehitusvõõras inimene, oli mul CLT Buildings’i poole pöördudes ainult internetist leitud pilt oma unistuste kodust. Õnneks nad aitasid mind kõigega, maja planeerimisest kuni ehituse valmimiseni. Alles hiljem sain oma tuttavatelt teada, kui raske on tegelikult maja ehitamine ning sellega kaasnev bürokraatia. Tänu CLT Buildings’le oli minu kõige suuremaks mureks vaid värvide valimine. Lisaks püsisid nad nii ajaliselt kui eelarveliselt igati graafikus. Olen nende tööga igati rahul!

CLT Buildings’st on minu jaoks saanud ettevõte, keda usaldan täielikult nii oma kodu kui ka ärihoone ehitamisel. Olles varasemalt kokku puutunud erinevate ehitusettevõtetega, üllatas mind CLT Buildingsi juures nende kaasa mõtlemine ning läbipaistvus. Motohobi hoone ehitamisel sain neilt igal ehitusetapil soovitusi ning tähelepanekuid, tänu millele jõudsin enda jaoks ideaalse lahenduseni. Ja mis kõige parem - kui hinnas sai juba kokku lepitud, siis nii see ka jäi.

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About us
We are an Estonian company with long-term construction experience, specialising in the construction of private and commercial buildings from cross-laminated timber, or CLT.
You don’t need to specialise in construction to contact us. We will gladly help you every step of the way, from planning to construction, offering various solutions that all meet the best standards in terms of construction. The result? A home you have always dreamt of that will last for generations.